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Free Chicago Concerts With The Museum Of Contemporary Arts And Tuesdays At The Terrace

Free Chicago Concerts With The Museum Of Contemporary Arts And Tuesdays At The Terrace

Sep 25, 2017 Dr Kristina Nelson

Every Tuesday night, Chicago’s Museum of Contemporary Arts brings you free, live jazz music at the Anne and John Kern Terrace Garden. The list of musicians playing include local jazz favorites, like Joshua Abrams and Mike Reed. For a free evening of fun and great music, grab a friend and groove out.

Food And Music

Every Tuesday, these free jazz concerts start at 5:30 PM and end at 8 PM. The weekly host is Al Carter-Bey, from WDCB 90.9 FM and Richton Guy Thomas from WHPK 88.5 FM.  While it’s completely free to hear the live musical performances, if you plan on getting food, there are different items available for purchase. Some of these items include:

  • All-You-Can-Eat Buffet and BBQ, $27 per person.
  • BBQ brisket sandwich with pickled carrot salad, $10
  • Kale & grain salad, sunflower seeds & lemon dressing, $8
    Salami & cheese box, marinated vegetables & French bread, $8
    Spicy cajun sausage sandwich with red cabbage slaw, $8
    Roasted summer squash salad, feta cheese & olives, in a buckwheat & herb dressing, $8
  • Single Origin chocolate chip cookie, $3
  • SunButter & jelly sandwich, $4
  • Fruit cup, $3

Groove Out To Great Local Jazz

The goal of Tuesdays at the Terrace is to promote Chicago’s excellent jazz community, while introducing some great live jazz bands to the local community. You’ll get to experience some great, home-grown Chicago jazz music with the option of munching on some tasty food and beverages

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